Before we can launch your site, there are some steps we need you to help us with:

  1. Decide on a Craft License: a Pro” license will give you a bet­ter pub­lish­ing expe­ri­ence as well as the abil­i­ty to add mul­ti­ple users. Here’s a quick com­par­i­son. If you think you need a Pro license, then fol­low our guide to pur­chas­ing it here
  2. Share your DNS account with us: we need access to this to redi­rect traf­fic to your new sites as well as con­fig­ure the serv­er emails. Here’s a quick guide.
  3. Cre­ate a Dig­i­tal Ocean host­ing account & team: we need to set up a live, pro­duc­tion serv­er for your new site. We rec­om­mend using Dig­i­tal Ocean. It’s rea­son­ably priced (from $5/​month), reli­able and easy to use. Here’s the set­up guide.
  4. Cre­ate a Mail­gun account: even the most basic web­site needs to send emails. We rec­om­mend set­ting up a free Mail­gun account to han­dle this. Here’s our walk­through on doing this.