We're the smartest duo you’ve ever met...and also the dumbest

Feral from the future image

We know just how chal­leng­ing life can be when you’re too damn smart. Peo­ple just don’t get it. They’re morons any­way. Here you are try­ing to advance the human race — real­ly make an impres­sion, you know — then you try and explain it to peo­ple and they go crosseyed and drool.

Not to wor­ry, we’re here for you. We work with some of the most ana­lyt­i­cal, data-dri­ven com­pa­nies (and the eccentrics who run them) to cre­ate dig­i­tal design solu­tions even a dum­my can appre­ci­ate. This means web­sites, apps, brand­ing — you name it. If you’re strain­ing to bring your mes­sage down to the mass­es, we’re your guys.

The next time you got some crazy idea for the web, before you go, Nah, nobody’s ever going to under­stand my bril­liance,” give us a call first. Like a mir­a­cle, we’ll make it happen.

Real projects from real clients

Riffyn Website

Discover the wonder and awe of science

Connected Insight Website

A marketing tour de force for the Brussels-based financial data consulting company

Trusted Advisor

A platform to help Trusted Advisor build deeper connections with their clients

Real feelings from fake clients

One thing I love about Timmy and Sterling is the things they notice that others don’t, like how our CEO is wrong about literally everything.

Donna Voss

Eslinger Analytics

When Sterling spat out his first sip of a new drink we were releasing, asking indignantly “What loser would ever drink this s***?” it was a real wake up call for our company.

Leandro Martin

Om Kombucha

In many ways, my professional life has been defined by missed opportunites and regret. I count hiring Feral to be one of the few decisions I haven’t come to hate.

Chandler Reed

Avalon Pharmaceutical

Thought leadership

From the CEO
Feral is Leaving San Francisco
Tech Chat
Improving the default Craft matrix field publishing experience

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