we love the outdoors as much as you, and maybe a little more

Feral true nature lovers image

The sun shin­ing, the birds chirp­ing, a long, deep breath of fresh moun­tain air (or suf­fo­cat­ing wild­fire smoke), noth­ing beats the majesty of the great out­doors.

Strange­ly, our desire to get out and play has meant we work long days indoors glued to our com­put­er screens design­ing and devel­op­ing web­sites in exchange. Fun­ny how that works, but maybe you can relate.

We want­ed to reach out because Tim­my and I love your gear and have some of it packed away in a plas­tic tub. A bit about us: we are able to build any kind of online expe­ri­ence you can imag­ine, from ecom­m­merce sites to immer­sive prod­uct expe­ri­ences. We work close­ly (some may say too close­ly) with our clients to strate­gize, plan, and design dig­i­tal solu­tions that per­fect­ly address busi­ness prob­lems.

If you want to go on an adven­ture togeth­er, check us out more below.

Real projects from real clients

JDS Labs

Website, ecommerce, branding, product design, etc. for the boutique audio manufacturer

Riffyn Website

Discover the wonder and awe of science

Vokyl Website and Branding

Ecommerce development, branding, and WebGL animation for the gaming headphone brand

Real feelings from fake clients

One thing I love about Timmy and Sterling is the things they notice that others don’t, like how our CEO is wrong about literally everything.

Donna Voss

Eslinger Analytics

When Sterling spat out his first sip of a new drink we were releasing, asking indignantly “What loser would ever drink this s***?” it was a real wake up call for our company.

Leandro Martin

Om Kombucha

In many ways, my professional life has been defined by missed opportunites and regret. I count hiring Feral to be one of the few decisions I haven’t come to hate.

Chandler Reed

Avalon Pharmaceutical

Thought leadership

Tech Chat
Syncing your DB and assets across environments in Craft 3
From the CEO
Feral is Leaving San Francisco

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