The love­ly and tal­ent­ed team at Otis Stu­dios approached us to make a site a bit out of the ordi­nary. Some­thing that would reflect their rep­u­ta­tions as scrap­py and exper­i­men­tal musi­cians and com­posers. Join­ing forces with world-renowned illus­tra­tor Ben Tal­lon, we devised an unusu­al site dri­ven by illus­tra­tion, atyp­i­cal lay­outs, and a big heap­ing of web animations. 

Otis home page image
Using tilt.js, we created a splash page that shifts and moves with the cursor movement.

While chal­leng­ing to devel­op, Otis Stu­dios is the kind of site we love to cre­ate. It’s a site that says some­thing about the peo­ple behind it. A site that stands for some­thing in this world! 

They are ambi­tious and risky, with no guar­an­tees they will work. They are a point of pride just as much a rev­enue gen­er­a­tor. For­tu­nate­ly, this one turned out alright. 

Otis team mobile image
Despite the heavy animations, we were able to fully optimize the site for most modern mobile devices.
Otis featured project image
We designed a custom background for each featured project.
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The signature Otis Studios logomark, drawn and developed by Ben Tallon.

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