Back in 2015, the Con­nect­ed Insight team had put togeth­er a MVP ver­sion of their app. As a finan­cial ser­vices start­up, they want­ed to build a plat­form to put struc­ture on their process and help their clients visu­al­ize data to make informed strate­gic decisions.

We had no idea what that meant, but we leapt at the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help them do it. We took their MVP, redesigned it and devel­oped a ful­ly-fledged prod­uct ready for market.

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Boasting the best looking dashboards in all of finance

Get­ting there was no easy feat. We start­ed by get­ting the team togeth­er in Dublin to do a deep-dive into the bewil­der­ing world of cor­po­rate finance. Days lat­er we emerged as ful­ly round­ed pro­fes­sion­als, throw­ing terms like KPI”, FTE” and FLC” around with confidence.

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Knowl­edge in hand we went about design­ing a com­plete­ly new user expe­ri­ence from the ground up. This was an oppor­tu­ni­ty to do some­thing excit­ing in an indus­try not typ­i­cal­ly known for its app usabil­i­ty. We think you’ll agree: the result were breath­tak­ing.

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We then had to build the thing. To cut a long sto­ry short, this was hard. We don’t want to talk about it. Nei­ther do they.

We built a full-stack web appli­ca­tion using Djan­go and Ember.js to give Con­nect­ed Insight a mod­ern appli­ca­tion stack that they could use and sell with confidence. 

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Since lauch­ing the app in 2017, we’ve helped the Con­nect­ed Insight team to grow the prod­uct by becom­ing their on-hand tech­ni­cal team. We’ve been main­tain­ing their infra­struc­ture, fix­ing bugs and help­ing them to add new fea­tures for their grow­ing client list. 

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