Fer­al col­lab­o­rat­ed with the very tal­ent­ed team over at Riffyn, a lead­ing sci­ence tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny near Sil­i­con Val­ley, to reimag­ine the Riffyn brand for the next phase of growth. As part of that, we designed and devel­oped an entire­ly new web­site, focus­ing on greater impact, clear­er com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and an immer­sive experience. 

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Riffyn’s brand, at its core, oper­ates in ser­vice to sci­en­tif­ic dis­cov­ery and human progress. Cre­ative­ly, we want­ed to design an expe­ri­ence that bet­ter con­nect­ed to the grander themes of sci­ence itself: awe, won­der, the joy of dis­cov­ery and the greater mys­ter­ies of life itself. 

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While we wanted the marketing messages to be communicated directly, some of the images of the site are intentionally ambiguous and thought-provoking.
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The web­site itself is tight­ly inte­grat­ed with the Craft CMS, mak­ing adding and edit­ing blogs, news, and events a breeze. A net­work of strate­gi­cal­ly placed call-to-actions help move inter­est­ed cus­tomers from learn­ing about the project to ulti­mate­ly tak­ing the action to request a demo or reach out. 

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The Gallery of Analytics features a portfolio of examples showcasing how Riffyn's app, Riffyn Nexus, helps solve real-world science problems.

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