After the mon­u­men­tal suc­cess we expe­ri­enced in May, Tim­my and I need­ed to take a deep breath and assess the future of the busi­ness. Rapid growth is no stranger to either of us — I have two toma­to plants that are going absolute­ly gang­busters right now — yet there are chal­lenges in growth. As we con­sid­ered how best to posi­tion Fer­al for a com­ing decade dom­i­nat­ed by aug­ment­ed real­i­ty, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, and repres­sive sug­ar tax­es, we knew we need­ed to be on the front-lines, fight­ing along­side our fel­low tech­nocrats for con­trol over every aspect of human life. I am pleased to announce that Fer­al now stands along­side fel­low giants like Google and Sales­force in the great city of San Francisco. 

While on paper this seems like a size­able step up from Feral’s for­mer home in Oak­land, Ore., pop. 940, I per­son­al­ly con­sid­er it a lat­er­al move. When you take into account my deep ties to the area, as well as the bar­gain base­ment prices on gro­ceries, mov­ing oper­a­tions to San Fran­cis­co, where a gal­lon of milk is $45, made for a dif­fi­cult choice. Tim­my, always the voice of rea­son, remind­ed me that this deci­sion wasn’t just about gro­ceries. It was big­ger than that. This, he said, was about the future of the human race. Some­where down the line some­body is going to build an app that can final­ly mon­e­tize chil­dren under the age of 5 and we have to ask the tough ques­tion, will Fer­al be the ones to build it?

With both our minds focused on what tru­ly mat­ters, Tim­my and I set out to find a loca­tion for our new office. While the easy choice would have been to sim­ply lease a 10,000 sq. ft. exposed brick loft space in down­town, where is the inspi­ra­tion in that? Fer­al is about the future. Exposed brick is a sym­bol of the past. Like with all of our work, we want­ed to take a non-tra­di­tion­al approach. When an office space opened up in a build­ing shared by a hand­ful of psy­chother­a­pists and body work­ers, we knew we had found our spot. 

As with many oth­er aspects of mod­ern life, web design and devel­op­ment can require the sup­port of licensed men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als. Know­ing I or any of our clients can walk out our door and onto the couch of a ther­a­pist, the chair of a grief coun­selor, or the cush­ion of a light and sound med­i­ta­tion guide gives me a tremen­dous amount of con­fi­dence and com­fort. To any poten­tial clients vis­it­ing 2517 Mis­sion St. to work through some of their own per­son­al trau­ma, may I remind you that we are the last office on the right, before the stairs. Our door is always open. 

And with that, we begin our new adven­ture. The tremen­dous out­pour­ing of sup­port from the local Bay Area com­mu­ni­ty, com­bined with the total frac­tur­ing of my home­town upon receiv­ing the news I would be leav­ing, has me con­fi­dent Fer­al will con­tin­ue to make a last­ing impact in people’s lives no mat­ter the loca­tion. We wel­come you to join us on our mis­sion to build the future, one line of code at a time. 

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